
{school:district}, {school:region} {school:country}

Colleen is sponsoring 1117 pupils (587 boys and 530 girls) at {school:title} in {school:country}.

Thank you for ensuring that Mary's Meals can provide them with a nutritious daily meal in their place of education.

About your school

Chapomoka Primary School now has 1024 pupils enrolled, made up of 555 boys and 469 girls. Mary’s Meals first began feeding in the school in January 2011. The children at school name range from Standards 1 to 8.

There are 8 permanent classrooms at the school and the pupils are taught by a total of 14 teachers. The school’s water source is a borehole in the school grounds, which is very close to the kitchen. There are 14 toilets on site which are shared equally between the boys and girls.

In addition to a garden, the school has a playfield for the children to use. 

Open quote mark I like playing netball and ‘phada’and fish fish. I would like to be a teacher when I finish school. School is important because I will be working in future. Close quote mark
Maggie White, 12 years old, Standard 3 pupil
Open quote mark Many children come to school hungry because we do not have food in the homes and when they eat porridge they get energy which helps them to grow very well and stay in school. Close quote mark
Mary Matamba, volunteer cook
Open quote mark Attendance of learners have improved, and we are able to retain children in class till knock off period. Close quote mark
Chisomo Lichapa, teacher at Chapomoka Primary School

Please watch our latest film, Generation Hope.

Thank you so much!

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