
{school:district}, {school:region} {school:country}

Louisa is sponsoring 430 pupils (213 boys and 217 girls) at {school:title} in {school:country}.

Thank you for ensuring that Mary's Meals can provide them with a nutritious daily meal in their place of education.

About your school

St. Joseph's Primary School now has 561 pupils enrolled, made up of 280 boys and 281 girls. The children at St. Joseph's Primary School range from Standards 1 to 8.

There are 8 permanent classrooms at the school and the pupils are taught by a total of 9 teachers. The school’s water source is a borehole with tap in the school grounds, which is very close to the kitchen. There are 10 pit latrine toilets on site which are shared equally between the boys and girls.

Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries, with one in four people living in extreme poverty. It is also one of the worst hit by HIV and AIDS. More than a million children in Malawi have been orphaned by the disease.

Malawi was the first country to benefit from our school feeding programme and this remains our largest programme country. Today, with your help, we’re providing meals to around 30% of all primary school-age children across the country!

Open quote mark I like Mathematics and English. In the future I want to be a doctor. Phala is good to me because when I eat Phala I become satisfied and learn better with energy. Close quote mark
Davie Shumba, age: 7, grade: 2
Open quote mark My favourite subjects are Chichewa and English. In the future I want to be a nurse in order to help sick people to get better. Phala gives me energy and I feel very good with the phala, I like it. Close quote mark
Grace Mwalwanda, age: 10, grade: 5
Open quote mark I volunteer for Marys Meal's because I have passion for these children learning at our school. I think the learn better when they are not hungry. Close quote mark
Nyuma Mnthali, volunteer cook
Open quote mark It has improved absenteeism of learners and it has improved the health of the children at school. It has also helped learners’ concentration because their bellies are full. Close quote mark
Wyness Nyirenda, Teacher of grade 7B.

Watch the trailer for our latest film, Generation Hope.

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