At Mary's Meals we believe in the influence of young people.  They are not our leaders of tomorrow; they are leaders of today.  With this belief, we have created 2 different types of youth programs as free resources for you to engage your young people as a teacher or youth leader.

Changemakers Journey

Theme:  Global ethics connected to Faith-Social Justice

Topics:  Become a Change-maker; Global Ethics; Generosity; Human Rights; Person of Peace; Creating a Movement

Age:  Suitable for 12-18 years

A resource that could motivate your students to change the world that they live in. 

This 6-module series is a blend of activity-based learning as well as a discovery based learning style, creating a way for your students to move from thinking about making a difference to becoming global citizens who are focused on the common good in this world.  By the end of this series, we hope that your students will have developed social and global ethics that are connected to faith which will influence and shape their lives.

Are you ready to help your students change “their” world?  Are you ready to change “your” world?

Content includes:

• Teacher/Youth Leader Guide, with Introduction and six session modules including short films and stories

• Downloadable resources and worksheets




Little Acts, Big Difference

Theme:  An introduction to the life-changing work of Mary's Meals

Age:  Suitable for 10-14 years

Through short films and stories, you’ll be transported to different countries and meet some of the amazing people who are working together to realize Mary’s Meals’ vision that every child receives one daily meal in their place of education. You’ll also hear from some children who receive Mary’s Meals in school and see that, while they are often facing many obstacles, their lives are being improved through community action and education.

Content includes:

• Teacher/ Youth Leader guide, with six lesson plans

• Complementary resource for module two and four containing excerpts from the bestselling book 'The Shed That Fed A Million Children'

• Certificate to present to those who complete the program



Over to you!

Here are a few fundraising ideas that might help to get you started, but please feel free to get creative and dream up your own unique ways to support our mission!


A day in the life

During the program, the students meet some amazing children who face challenges every day in pursuit of an education. You could encourage them to design a ‘day in the life’ fundraising challenge and ask neighbors and friends to sponsor them.


Little acts add up!

Work out how much you would need to save each week to feed a child with Mary’s Meals by the end of the school year. Consider giving up something you like and putting the money aside for Mary’s Meals each week – giving up something small yourself to make a big difference to one of the world’s poorest children.