Little Acts of Kindness

Looking for ways to engage with your community, while sharing about the work and mission of Mary’s Meals?

With 'Little Acts of Kindness', we hope to give people here in Canada an opportunity to stay connected and support one another, while also helping to support the children who depend on Mary's Meals through raising awareness of our work. 

If you are healthy, have extra time on your hands and would like to give something back to others in your community, could you consider helping others in need by carrying out little acts of kindness like these?

  • Walk someone’s dog
  • Shovel driveways and walkways
  • Pick up shopping and other essentials
  • Mow the lawn
  • Offer to wash someone's car
  • Call someone for a chat
  • Bring some baking over for a neighbourly visit
  • Leave a kind note for someone who could use an encouraging word

When you request a free ‘Little Acts of Kindness’ kit, you'll receive an information letter and some Mary's Meals brochures and donation cards to leave behind when performing your acts of kindness. These materials will help to spread kindness across Canada and our global Mary's Meals family.

Your little acts of kindness can make a big difference!

Request ‘Little Acts of Kindness’ kit

If your church, school or organization would like to participate in ‘Little Acts of Kindness’, please connect with us.

*Please note: this service is 100% voluntary. We will not be able to reimburse people for fuel or mileage. We encourage volunteers to seek out friends/family members/associates in their local community who may need a ‘Little Act of Kindness’.

*Our volunteers will not be accepting any form of payment but will provide recipients of "Acts of Kindness" with information about Mary's Meals Canada and a donation card. They can support our life-changing work if they choose to do so.