Alberta Schools Show their Support for Mary’s Meals
Two schools north of Edmonton, Alberta recently showed they are global citizens through some wonderful fundraising efforts, helping to ensure that more children just like them, in Malawi, Africa, have the opportunity to go to school, and have enough to eat.
Grade 3 students at École Notre Dame School opened the doors of mercy and showed love in action. They learned all about the corporal acts of mercy and decided to hold a pancake breakfast on Shrove Tuesday to feed the hungry. They provided pancakes for over 400 students! They had many volunteer parents, staff, and students help with organizing, cooking and setting up. Students created posters and brought awareness to Mary's Meals during a school assembly. The money collected went directly to support Mary's Meals. Grade 3 students also learned about Mary's Meals in their Global Citizenship unit in Social Studies.
Almost at the same time, students at Legal School in Legal, Alberta, were hard at work on several fundraising projects. Funds were raised through gathering donations for kids and staff to wear hats and jeans to school, selling of lollipops, and staff hot soup lunch donations.
Mary's Meals Canada would love to thank staff and students at École Notre Dame School and Legal School for their fine example in showing their love and concern for other students who are not as fortunate as they are.
We love to hear of heartwarming stories such as these, so if your school has been fundraising for Mary's Meals, please send us your stories too!
Get in touch to order your very own fundraising pack