Linda Kriel
Meet Mary’s Meals Canada Artist Ambassador, Linda Kriel
Linda Kriel is a self-taught artist who lives in the small community of Desert Blume in southeastern Alberta. Influenced by artists of the Romantic and Impressionist period, her work has been featured at a number of art shows and galleries throughout southern Alberta and beyond. Recently, we talked to Linda about her artwork, the Heart of India Art Auction, and why she’s delighted to become a Mary’s Meals Canada Artist Ambassador.
When did you first develop your love and appreciation of art?
Throughout my life, I’ve had urges to put vistas on canvas, but a small voice kept reminding me, “you are not an artist”. At the age of 50, I stopped listening to that voice and, after gathering random supplies from a local art store, I began to put paint to canvas and paper. I recall thinking two things: “Are adults supposed to have this much fun?” and “I can do this until I’m old”. I’ve never looked back. The last fifteen years have been filled with many joyous hours creating art.
What would you describe as the major influences on your work?
There have been many influences on my work. Originally, it was nature. I saw trees, skies, sunsets, flowers and colours in many different ways. Travel has also provided lots of inspiration. My family, especially my granddaughters, are the joy that inspires many sketches and portraits. Exploring new mediums and techniques, such as oils, watercolour and acrylics, keeps my journey of art alive.
How did you first become aware of Mary's Meals Canada?
I recently became aware of Mary’s Meals Canada through my good friend Sheri McConnell, who serves as the organization’s Executive Director. Sheri explained the mission of Mary’s Meals and how it is feeding children around the world in their place of education. I was so impressed that I decided to donate three pieces of my work to help fundraise for Mary’s Meals Canada through an online auction.
What is about Mary's Meals Canada that inspires you?
The idea of helping provide basic needs, such as nutritious food, to children around the world is something we can all get behind. Mary’s Meals is a grassroots organization that has made a significant difference to more than 1.8 million children each day. Knowing that my support can change the life of even one child is a great opportunity. I’m looking forward to learning more about Mary’s Meals and its work in other countries and to partner with them again in the future.
Follow Linda on social media for more information about her work as an artist:
Instagram: @lindaharderk
Facebook: @paintingsbylhk