
Become a Mary's Meals Ambassador in your community and raise funds to help feed hungry children.

It costs just $31.70 to feed a child for a whole school year, so even the smallest amounts can have a mighty impact.

Start Your Own Fundraising Project

You can start your own fundraising project today. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! Set your goal amount, give your project a name, and create an account. There are countless ways to fundraise. If you’re a foodie, why not organize a charity bake sale in your school or community to “Raise Some Dough” for Mary’s Meals. You can organize a walk, run, swim or cycle and ask friends and family for sponsorship. Why not try a ‘Keep quiet and give me all your money’ silent auction, a carwash, a bottle drive, a golf tournament or a yard sale. No matter your fundraising ideas, we have RESOURCES to help you. 

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Sponsor a School

You can help Mary's Meals reach many more hungry children – and give your fundraising a focus – by pledging to cover the cost of feeding a whole school for an entire year! By sponsoring a school, you're not just providing a daily meal to the world's poorest children, you're giving them hope, a chance at a better future, and the opportunity to break free from the cycle of poverty. 

As a school sponsor, you are doing something incredible - it is an amazing gift! Raising funds to provide meals for an entire school gives every child enrolled hope for a brighter future, feeding them the fuel they need to climb the ladder out of poverty.

Your generosity makes it possible for Mary's Meals to keep our promise of a daily meal to the children – a meal that is more important than ever. Wars, famine, and the outcomes of the global pandemic are causing new and terrible hardship throughout the world's poorest nations. Child hunger is on the rise once again. We are more passionate than ever in our desire to keep the promise to those children already in our program – and to reach out to many more still hungry and waiting. 

Your fundraising target will be set depending on the number of children enrolled at your school. 

School sponsorship is vital to our fundraising as it allows us to be more ambitious in our plans. We aim to keep expanding our programs worldwide, and your sponsorship makes growth possible.

  • Sponsoring a school starts at $8000.
  • Schools available for sponsorship are in Malawi and Zambia.
  • Schools can be sponsored by individuals, organizations, in the name of a loved one, or a shared cause.  
  • Sponsorship lasts for one academic year. We encourage supporters to renew sponsorships for additional years, but this is not compulsory.
  • As a school sponsor, you will receive an annual report from your school, including photos and quotes from students, teachers, and/or volunteers. This report will not only keep you updated on the impact of your sponsorship but also allow you to see the direct benefits of your support on the children's lives.


Email us to Sponsor a School


Adopt a Class

When you adopt a class, you are feeding 27 children for an entire school year. The cost to feed these children for an entire year is almost half of what the average family of four spend on groceries each month in Canada. You are giving them hope, a chance at a better future, and the opportunity to break free from the cycle of poverty. Whether you're an individual, school, workplace, faith group, or club, adopting a class can be a powerful way to unite your community, instill a sense of purpose, and make a lasting impact on the lives of children in need. 

Your fundraising target would be $855.90, which would provide daily meals to 27 children for a whole school year.

You can start a fundraising project for Adopt a Class or purchase this gift today in our SHOP.

  • Adopting a class is $855.90 for one year. We encourage supporters to renew sponsorships for additional years, but this is not compulsory.
  • Classes available to adopt are in Malawi and Zambia.
  • You will receive an annual report from your school, including photos and quotes from students, teachers, and/or volunteers. This report will not only keep you updated on the impact of your sponsorship but also allow you to see the direct benefits of your support on the children's lives. You will not receive specific class information.

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"It is beautiful to see our entire school come together to watch the Child31 film and learn about the realities of children in other countries across the world. Our students are motivated to learn more and take action to help to make a tangible difference in these children's lives by fundraising to provide a daily meal through Mary's Meals."

-Michelle, middle school teacher


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